Rachel O'Driscoll Letter to her son John--November 1870

The following is a letter that had been handed down to a cousin of mine, Denise O'Driscoll.  She transcribed the letter and it was last edited and sent to me on October 5, 2011. Denise writes:  "Nov 1870 from Humansdorp South Africa to Utah USA.  Letter from Rachel O'Driscoll to her oldest son John Knight O'Driscoll (my great grandfather)"

My dear son, 

I feel the greatest pleasure writing you these few lines hoping that you are well with the help of God my dearest boy, you cannot think how much I long to hear from you, but it seems you have quite forgotten your mother though God knows I have not forgotten you.   I have only received one letter from you yet with your likeness, many thanks for it.

I do not think that we will meet again this side of the grave for I am getting very old and weak already owing to so many cares and troubles.  I am still in Humansdorp, I get little work, barely enough to keep my little ones. Many a night, I have prayed to God if it would be possible to let me see you again once more, but I do not think it is possible.

My dearest Johny I would have written before but you know yourself I cannot write well and do not like always to trouble other people, how is it then my dear Johnny that you never wrote to me the time your father died?  I wrote to tell you about it and that is two years and four months already.  Since that time I have struggled my way through many a trouble, but God has been kind to me in sparing harm to my children for God alone knows if I die what will become of them. Cornelius is not with me, he could get no work here and so he has went away to Catesbury.  I have received some letters, but not lately he is gone from there to the diamond fields up in the east river several persons has left here for the fields, your cousin Johny Smith has been there also but he has returned wonderful, he is doing well in the hotel of O’Connell they have four children already, your sister Mary is not with one at present, she is staying with Mrs. Sheppard’s daughter who is married to a Mr. Hiland, Mary is very happy with her. 

 My dear Jon please do not forget to write to me and if possible, send me your wife’s likeness and your children too, I ---------- you by your likeness and the children’s.  I have no more to say at present time__. . Warmest love to your wife although I have never seen her, and kiss your little ones for me, ok?  So dream of me dear,

Your ever affectionate mother,  

Rachel O’Driscoll

P.S.  You would ______like to know you’re your age, you were born 1845, the 21st December.  I wish you many a happy birthdays such as a mother can wish her first born. 

Goodbye my dearest son, yours _______ 

